Household products
Detergents, household chemicals and other household products are mainly water-based and are susceptible to contamination. In the past, effective biocides such as MIT or CMIT were used to keep detergents and cleaning agents contamination-free until they reached the end consumer and beyond.
Sustainability in the detergent industry
The current and upcoming requirements for preservation in terms of consumer safety and environmental friendliness leave little room for reliable solutions. New compliant ways are required to ensure product performance.
Why switch to more natural product protection?
In a rapid developing and growing society the demand for sustainable and healthy products increases drastically. We need to better preserve our raw materials and we must ensure safe products for all of us.
Regulatory compliance
Authorities enforce regulations to increase sustainability and foster water-based chemicals without hazardous substances. Natural protection will ensure compliance even with the strictest regulations.
Safety for user
Allergies are all around. Biocides and other hazardous chemicals affect consumers negatively. The less you have inside the better it is for your customers.
Information is publicly available. With natural protection you can be open and honest with your customers. This pays off on the long run!
Limited resources
Our resources are limited, so we must take care of them. The more natural we go, the better we are prepared for reduce, reuse and recycling.
Comprehensive packages
To achieve the perfect product protection for water-based systems, multiple steps are involved. For this we offer different packages.
Packaging products
Our innovative packaging products protect paint and raw materials by design, until they are completely used up.
Packaging consulting
Our packaging engineers help you to find the right packaging solution for your product. Contact us!
Hygiene services
Our hygiene services help to evaluate, formulate, produce, fill and control water-based products to obtain a germ-free paint without biocides.